
Michael Plewka - Gestaltung • Belziger Str. 25, Aufgang 8• 10823 Berlin
tel: + 49 (0)30-39493912
mobil: +49 (0)175-6055433
Str.Nr.: 34/473/52916 F07

No guarantee or accountability

My responsability covers exclusively the sites originally prepared by me. Due care has been exercised.
Yet no guarantee for accuracy and function of these pages can be given. For pages linked or hyperlinked I expressively exclude accountability and guarantee for their contents
and functions. I do not account for mistakes based on misunderstandings of my sites.

Realisation and copyright
Copyright: Michael Plewka
Words, photographies, design and layout of the
homepage are protected by copyright and other protective rights. Copy of excerpts only with written permission and index of source. By presentation of the business and its services
no licence was issued on utilisation or processing of literary property.